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Function modulus
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Function modulus

WEEE: DE 26115514
Manufacturer: VIESSMANN
Manufacturer no.: 7450565
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The installation of electrical devices may only be carried out by an approved electrician and, in the case of high-voltage systems (> = 400V and country-specific nominal power), only with the consent of the respective electricity network operator.



For the regulation/control of the fast forward temperature warmth in keeping with requirement (to only the Vitocom 200, type EIB). These filament heater circuits must be regulated with a Vitotronic 050 (type HK1M) at heating systems with Vitodens, Vitopend and Vitoplus and filament heater circuits with mixer.

With this modulus the individual room temperature controllers can be assigned to the filament heater circuits. Through this the heating main station energy optimized is regulated. Into dependence of the outside temperature and the room data (different value desired/current temperature...).